I don’t know about you, but I could go for some strong cold brew — like the above, from the fantastic Bespoke Post Concentrate Box subscription box— right now to start my weekend. Seriously, you can’t go wrong kicking off Saturday with the best cold brew, a great vinyl record spinning and of course, The Style Guide In Brief — it’s how I start my weekend, after all! If you headed on over here or signed up through my main blog, The Style Guide, thanks for stopping by and thanks for reading! If you’ve been getting these E-mails since I launched the newsletter way back in early July, well, welcome back. Keep on reading for the rest of what you need to shop, sip and spin today. After that, consider heading on over to my regular blog to check out today’s Style Pick of the Week. Cheers, folks!

What To Listen To This Weekend: “For Sure” by Future Islands
Picking out a song to start the day here in my newsletter is sometimes a tricky task — do I go with a modern classic, an old favorite or, in this case, an exciting new staple? It was pretty easy this week to place the truly terrific, zippy, soaring “For Sure” by Baltimore synth pop heroes Future Islands in the top slot. This recently debuted single hints at stellar things to come as they (I assume!) prepare to deliver another stunning studio album (it would be their sixth studio album, each better than the last). Perhaps you found out about the band as so many did, myself included — via an enthralling, enthusiastic and much-loved performance of hit song “Seasons (Waiting On You)” on David Letterman back in 2014. Maybe you’ve been a fan of their emotive, pulsing, energetic synth pop since the mid-aughts, as they booked their own nationwide tours and steadily built a back catalog and a rabid fan base with the best of the best. I had the great fortune of seeing them live last August at New Jersey’s White Eagle Hall, where they debuted seven — seven! — new (and still unreleased!) songs. “For Sure” wasn’t among those songs, but I’d bet this album is going to blow you away — for sure.
What To Shop This Weekend: Bespoke Post Scrubbed Box

I’m going to direct you back toward Bespoke Post, NYC-based purveyors of the best men’s subscription boxes, for today’s shopping pick. Of course, anyone can get plenty of use out of Bespoke Post’s monthly boxes, which bundle the best gear at incredible prices (if you sign up for Bespoke Post, you can get the Bespoke Post Scrubbed Box for just $45). It’s deals like these that have turned me into a major fan over the years (if you follow me on Instagram, you know this!), but the Bespoke Post Scrubbed Box really is about as good as it gets. In one affordable bundle, you’re getting all the essentials for right now: Hand sanitizer, hand cream & hand wash from Maapilim, a navy face mask from Beau Ties (yep!), and a touchless contact tool from Ezra Arthur. It’s one of the best subscription boxes you can buy right now, that much is true.
Shop Bespoke Post
What To Sip This Weekend: Drive Coffee Trophy Medium Roast Coffee via Bespoke Post

If you’re more of a traditional coffee type versus a fan of the Bespoke Post Concentrate Box as mentioned earlier, there’s a solution for you to get your java fix (and to do so in style!), and it’s this medium roast coffee from Drive Coffee, delivered in a really neat, old school-inspired tin. Whole Sumatra coffee beans, ethically sourced and of the single-origin variety, set this coffee apart from the pack. I can think of nothing I’d like more than to enjoy a cup of Drive Coffee while gazing out at the sunrise on an upstate New York porch somewhere — sounds pretty great, right?
The Final Pick: American Trench Kennedy No-Show Socks

File away a pair of the best no-show socks among the more underrated style essentials you need this summer. When you find the right pair, it’ll assuredly change how you wear your favorite sneakers — you’ll be much more comfortable, for one, and you can stay on your feet for hours of summer adventures if need be. The American Trench Kennedy No-Show Socks are American-made, of course, and seriously high-quality. I’ve been a fan of this Pennsylvania-based brand for years, dating back to 2015 — they make some of the best socks on the market, working with top-notch materials and family-owned factories to deliver long-lasting goods (including the original American Trench jacket). For now, pick up some stylish no-show socks, then wear them any time you feel like throwing on classic sneakers.

If you made it this far, thanks for sticking around! Hopefully, I was able to set your weekend on the proper course. As if I haven’t said it enough, perhaps the best things you could do for your weekend would be to stock up on Drive Coffee, make sure you sign up for Bespoke Post, and of course, give Future Islands a listen. If ever you want to chat about this newsletter, all things #menswear or indie rock, you can find me on Twitter. Cheers, again, to Saturday!